anxiety, panic & stress.

You may be reading this having tried traditional methods of dealing with anxiety, panic or stress. These may have been but may not be limited to:

  • Medication: Often this is the first line of treatment and for many may work and be necessary to help lift the head above the parapet so to speak. This may well feel effective, however for me personally it is similar to sticking a plaster over a wound, with a new plaster having to be put on everyday, maybe for the rest of your lifetime.

  • Talking therapies/Counselling: This method may well indeed help to bring some relief and soothe, with some respite using coping strategies. Fundamentally through this is not addressing the root cause of your issue. You could indeed just try to ignore it and hope that it goes away or simply get used to your uncomfortable situation. This may in turn lead you to self medicate, whether that may be chemical addiction, alcohol, gambling, food or sex. Additionally the levels of your anxiety will not only be impacting you but also those around you.

Clinically recommended anxiety treatment

EMDR as a therapy is recommended by NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) and WHO (World Health Organisation) for the treatment of PTSD and Anxiety related disorders and that is for a good reason, because it works!

By using hypnosis techniques and with me as your guide we can discover the root cause of your anxiety…or your stress…or your panic…or indeed depression. Together we can uncover the events that triggered the start of your challenges and safely and effectively change the emotions that are associated with them. I describe it as bringing down safely the house of cards that your anxiety has stacked.

My approach is simple, let’s discover the causes and change your reaction to them. Alongside this we will utilise coping strategies and elements to allow you to move through the process of letting go.