fears & phobias

First and foremost I guess the word fear needs a little perspective, I would rather we call them exaggerated fears.

For example, I’m no fan of snakes or I wasn’t, as I had exaggerated to a point that was bothering me. When I dealt with the fear though I didn’t take it to the point of becoming fearless as I am happy to maintain my healthy respect for the more venomous ones. The same was true for my fear of heights, I definitely kept a healthy respect for cliff edges but I’m now fine doing the things I need to up a ladder.

The majority of fears are learned behaviours which we have developed overtime. I think of fears as phobias, as an anxious and panicked response to whatever it is we are facing that is triggering the reaction. That said, believe me when I say that I know how real the feeling is and how limiting and debilitating that can be.

I can help you to overcome these responses so that you are in control of your emotions and can remain calm in the situation that you face. In addition to this and if appropriate we can also work to build your confidence in parallel to managing the situation.

Whether it’s related to nature - spiders, fish, snakes, insects, animals or birds etc we can overcome these fears. If flying or other modes of transport is limiting your ability to live your life to your fullest it can be dealt with. Of course, over time we may develop medical fears - hospital, doctors, dentist, needles etc that may be preventing us from seeking the healthcare that we need. Or there may be situations that give you a paralyzing feeling of dread whether it is public speaking, presentations, exams or picking up the telephone. Whatever your fears, rest assured we can change that feeling and move forward with control and confidence.

personal development

Firstly, within this topic let me start with developing you within a sporting area.

Hypnotherapy can have a major impact on improving or rescuing your performance by allowing you to take control of your stress levels and to adequatly prepare you mentally for the sporting situation you face. I mention in my bio that I love sport, with golf, cricket, rugby, snooker and fishing being my main activites but you name it I’ve had a go at it! Now golf easily springs to mind as one game that can take any calm person to a fuming lunatic, as with many other sports I’m sure. Using hypnotherapy and techniques I can change your mindset, give you visualisation and take the stress out of the performance which in turn will take you to the next level of your chosen sport…it totally changed my game! Many top sports personalities have been using hypnotherapy as a major part of their preperation in helping them to win.

In a business context, stress in the workplace is becoming more and more common and I’m pleased to say that business leaders are now taking this very seriously. I can provide solutions in hypnosis or in a coaching environment for individuals or groups. A less stressed workforce perform a whole lot better that it is for sure.

On a personal level, whether it is confidence, self esteem, self worth or any aspect that you would like to improve, we can uncover the beliefs that you are holding and reframing them, together we can work through whatever it is that you face. Let’s say for example you want to launch a new career in a new area that you are really passionate about but those old voices and nagging doubts are holding you back. Like anything else I will help you to see that none of these things are absolutely true and we can instead reprogramme your confidence so that you will have the ability and tools to go ahead and do what you really want to do.

Coupled with my hypnotherapy skills I provide coaching sessions that enable you to focus on your goals and what it is you want to achieve, to understand fully the current reality and have clarity of action with motivation and accountability to achieve them.